Aam - Common, Mango, etc.

Aam is a Hindi Word which means the fruit Mango or as it is widely used, 'Common'. I wonder why then is it the benchmark for comparison by companies that make all sorts of products, primarily the FMCG market.

Without taking big-big names here, I would like to draw your attentions to any one of the majority of advertisements in the FMCG sector. They do have a comparison of their product against the benchmark - 'Aam'.

Aam Sabun
Aam Conditioner
Aam Shampoo
Aam Detergent
Aam Toothpaste
Aam Fairness Cream
Aam Namak

'Aam' seems to be a very big company (FMCG at least). Every other player has one of these lines in their ads - Aam Toothpaste se 10 guna behtar, Aam fairness cream ke muqable 100 gunna zyada asardar.

Not sure about quality of products of 'AAM' company as every company's product is better than it's but the point here is that its used as a benchmark and is widely used. So, its because of AAM products that other biggies thrive for improvement.

This company exists in Biomedical Sciences as well because I remember seeing a company saying 'Yeh hai AAM zindagi aur yeh hai ****** zindagi'. Deals with LIFE !

If there doesn't exist a company with this name, then why not register one and earn royalty :)

Arrey, if there can exist Apple, Mango why not AAM.

PS: Just a random post, written in good humor, arose out of a small discussion with @desh over lunch.

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Mihir said...

LOL! Funny indeed!

Nothing wrong with taking names as well... HUL is the baap of all advertising cliches. But it works, no? Then?! :P

Chal now aam gonna sign off.
Take care.

Prateek said...

Thats wat I said, hadn't it been for AAM, quite possile that there might not have been product improvements to say AAM SHAMPOO se 10 gunna behtar :)

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prateekkhurana.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading prateekkhurana.blogspot.com every day.

Anonymous said...

prateekkhurana.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading prateekkhurana.blogspot.com every day.
Nice Article

Anonymous said...

prateekkhurana.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading prateekkhurana.blogspot.com every day.
Very Nice Article

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